Thursday, November 23, 2006

Holy Snowy !!!

Well we sure are in the middle of being dumped on by mama nature... We are getting tonnes of snow, i can hardly see across the road and it's -28.... Nice !!!

Tomorrow night is our Santa Clause Parade, i wonder if they will cancel it due to the storm and temperatures ??? Who knows... I'll brave it anyways.

Well i have spent the whole week putting up trees and garlands and wreaths and wrapping presents. As well as putting up the inflatables in the front yard.

I went out last Saturday night and had a tonne of fun, we danced the night away at Legends... thanks Sharon for a fun night !!!

I feel so happy to be decorated, YEAH !!!

Last night was Laguna Beach !!! The Cabo episode, it was super good !

Tonight is Total TV Thursday...

1. ER

2. Grey's Anatomy

3. The OC

4. Ugly Betty

So there is my plan for the evening....

Other than that it's pretty quiet around here....

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like fun, I love TV. I have a show on everynight except tuesday!
