Sunday, June 25, 2006

Makenna enjoying a pepsi !!!


It is a beauty of a weekend here in Cold Lake... finally we deserve it...

It was like 28 yesterday and it is even warmer today... Baby girl and i spent the day out on the deck lounging and llistening to Kenny Chesney tunes.... Makenna also discovered a new trick she puts her slide in her pool and slides down screaming WEE !!! WEE !!! WEE !!!

God she is too funny these days....only my child would have her imagination and spirit.

So Geaorge left us today...Sad...not really... he was not cut out for the oil rigs thats for sure....oh well at least he can say he tried...

Okay folks, i gotta go get out in the beautiful sun...TTYL

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Introducing Mr & Mrs. John Farrar
So we spent tha last week on holiday in the Rockey Mountains, well actually Jasper to be exact. Tracey & John tied the knot, we climbed some mountains and wandered through the quaint shops.
We had an awsome holiday and it was os hard to come back to reality being in the mountains seemed to have a way of hypnotizing you. It is such a relaxing place to spend a vacation.

Holiday In Jasper !!!
OMG....I am a terrible blogger...
Where has the time gone to....
I am just gonna put some pictures on here and let them tell the story....