Another Year In Alberta ...
Well it seems like another year has flown by here in Alberta. It seems like just the fact of living in Alberta has made the news this year... I am so tired of being asked questions about life in Alberta....and why we moved here....and when are we coming home....???
It was a relativly quiet year for us in all actuality, really just spent a relazing year watching Makenna grow a little more every day... much quieter than the past couple of years with all the excitement in our lives...
Makenna and I went to visit my sister Roberta in January in Sidney, B.C. for a couple of weeks. My mom was there visiting and she came back here to Cold Lake with us for a couple of months. The winter was relativly quiet, nothing really special happened except lots of snow.
My best friend Tracey got engaged on Valentines day, so planning her wedding consumed our spring.
My nephew Vince and his girlfriend Jessica came out west from NS, in May to stay with us for the summer. We bought our very 1st ride on lawnmower and Kenny & I actually started fighting over who got to cut the grass...LOL
We adopted a puppy from the SPCA as well, a little border collie cross, her name is OREO. she is a cutie and a great companion for Charly.Makenna loved getting outside to play in her sandbox on the deck and going ot the park usually ended up in tears when she had to leave.
We took off to Jasper in June for a week for John & Tracey's wedding and a nice holiday in the mountains. We had an awsome time.
We spent lots of time at Sandy beach this summer. Tracey, John, Curtis & the dogs spent lots of long weekends up here this summer. July was really hot so we went out and picked up one of the last pools in the greater Tri City area...LOL !!! We had another houseguest arrive in July. Jordan Allen, one of Kenny's friends from PEI came out to work and is staying with us as well.
My mom came for another visit in late August, so it was nice to have her here again for another couple of months. We took in some berry picking.
Makenna turned 2 in September, and she sure finds ways to fill up my days.... she is a going concern and there is never a dull moment around this house.
We had a beautiful fall and spent lots of time outside.
Winter came very early this year and November saw lots of snow.....and very cold tempuratures, way earlier than normal. Kenny's Rig worked all the time right through all the changing seasons.
We took a lot of trips to Edmonton this year but not really anywhere else besides Lloydminister We had a great christmas and santa was very good to us. I decorated super early so i took it all down already and now we are back to normal. Whatever that is...LOL
I guess thats it from The Munn Family !!!
No real predictions for 2007 !!!
Not sure what the new year will hold for us, maybe some surprises !!! good ones for sure...
To all our family and friends, May your holidays be filled with good times, good cheer,and may the New Year bring you every joy filled with peace and prosperiety !!!
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