TSK TSK TSK ......
I have been a bad blogger.....
Gosh where has the past week gone.....Okay so it had been like 40 degrees around here...sheesh...really warm...
Alberta is in a heat wave right now...we have had hot weather for over 2 weeks...im getting so tired of it...ok and for my American pals...hot for us Here in Alberta...is like 30...and we only get a few of those days in the summer....its been over 32 just about every day for 15 days...yesterday was 36...just converted that to 97F...bloody hot for us...It rained some last night, and we woke up to an overcast day...but by 2 pm this afternoon it was back up to 31C again....the big difference is that ususally we cool down here at night..down to like 14ish...and it hasnt been..so its crappy in the house..its not getting a chance to cool off, so its just hot all the time...
We had a busy weekend Tracey & the dogs came up for a visit.... we went to the beach swam in the pool and relaxed. Tried our best ot beat the heat....