Sunday, November 9, 2008
Well that just about sums up my plans for today...lol It is freezing rain outside this morning and - 10, that is just about enough to keep this momma cozy inside the house. Treehouse is on the big screen and Makenna has a front row seat...lol
I am thinking the bed sheets could be washed and i am certain that there are always a few loads of laundry that are floating around. I also could start the declutteration in preparation for all the christmas crap...lol !!! I have a lot of christmas stuff i take out and decorate with so a lot of our photos and ornaments have to be put away.
Thats my plan for this lazy sunday....
Friday, February 8, 2008

So today we started a new playgroup called "Gym"Bore... Well all i can say is wow...it was awsome... There must have been 20 kids there and it went from 10.30am to noon. what a fun morning....especially considering the fact that it was - 37 outside.
The kiddies had a bawl...Makenna was in heaven...so we are slowly filling our schedule up. We have skating on Tuesday, Gymnastics on Wednesday,Storytime at the library & Skating on Thurdaday & Gymbore playgroup on Friday...we are pretty busy.....LOL
I really am gonna try to update this thing weekly...time is flying by...
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
I'm Back...
This was a video i took of Makenna sledding on Cold Lake...we are actullay having a great winter here...lots of sun, lots of snow....and really nice temps...not too cold...now after saying that...i am sure to awaken to a full blown nor easter...lol
So i havent been on here since August.....right about when i really became addicted to crackbook...i resisted for so long then it was like bam...addict !!!
I really do like Facebook don't get me wrong...i am just not sure what i did online before it came around...i find i am on MSN way less and use FB as a messaging service these days.
I really do want ot update this blog...maybe not everyday...but at least every week...
I wanna take this time ot send my love and prayers to the community of Bathurst, New Brunswick...during this diffucult time....i did not know those boys but my heart is breaking for their famalies and friends... their lives were cut far too short.
I think i am reflecting a lot on my own life weighing the pros and the cons of my decsions...my leson seems to be live life ot the fullest cause you never know when it's going to be taken away from you...
Just a thought......
Friday, August 3, 2007
Monday, June 4, 2007
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
I seem to have lostmy blogging mojo this past month....and what a busy month it has been...
I think part of it is to blame due to my new FaceBook addiction...more time there = less time on here...LOL
MARCH, MARCH, MARCH.....where did you go ???
We had a lot of company coming and going this past month....It started with The Sheas for the first weekend....then Jacqueline & Makya came out from PEI for 10 days. They toured Cold Lake and got a first hand idea what it will be like to live here. As they will be moving out this end of May....to be with Jordan.
There were some birthdays this month as well.
~A big Happy Birthday wish goes out to Melsha !!!!
~And hugs and kisses go out ot my sister Roberta as well !!!
This past weekend wrapped up March with a fun event here in Cold Lake, Scraptacular...it was a 3 day scrapbooking event....It was a tonne of fun...I took in a class and got some really neat new products.
April Fools Day, was also my brother Scott's birthday !!! So we had a little get together...
And now i am in recovery from a Tooth Ache gone Wild !!!
It all started on sunday afternoon, i started to get a bad
toothache...the pain was unbearable....i got some T3's from my brother
around 9.30pm that night......but i never slept a wink....i couldn't....I
called my Dentists office at around 8pm....just to leave them a
I was up tossing and turning all night.....they called at 7.30am....they
could see me at 8.30am...I had a tooth that had cracked and was abscess and severely
infected.....YIKES !!!! So they thought it best to pull it, to make sure
they got all the infection....they big time froze my mouth.......and i
didn't even know.....
They had pulled it when it was done....I love my Dentist he is so
So my left side of my face is puffed out like a balloon....nice eh? It
will be swelled for the next few days....
So this is serious stuff, cause where the infection was was in my sinus
cavity.....and that drains into the brain...People can die from that if
it's not treated....
I am on Penicillin, another antibiotic and of course
T3's.......honestly all i thought was maybe i have a cavity.....and i
was at the dentist like less than 6 months ago....
these past couple of days...she must have known.....i
think she could sense it....I am drinking lots of fluids...but i cant
eat (well i can as long as i chew on the other side) but physically i
went to eat something last night and i almost threw up.....I'm on water
Maybe i've invented a new diet.....LOL
I went to bed last 2 nights at like 8.50pm and i slept straight thru till
9am......i heard a little girl beside me saying wake up mom....
The T3's just knock me out......there is still a lot of swelling but the
pain is more bearable......i might take another T3 but they are so
powerful....i pretty much just need to lie down then....
I have been in my Jammies all week...loving that part of it.....LOL
And now today.....
Happy Birthday to my Daddy !!! Who is sunning himself on the beach in Florida as I type !!!
I gues thats a recap or at least all i can think of right now !!!